Story Lab

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Lesson 4

Lesson 4

The Call to Adventure

Identify and brainstorm the real-life superpower to use in our autobiographical comic book.

Lesson Prep

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Lesson tips

  • Make sure and thoroughly review the exit tickets after this lesson. They will serve two purposes. You can see if any students chose superpowers not grounded in reality, such as invisibility or flash speed. You may want to confer with these students to help them choose a more realistic option. Further, in lesson six, your class will choose a class name, like the Justice League. Familiarity with all the skills will help you lead the discussion. 

  • There are student examples at the beginning of the presentation. These will support your students' thinking as they come up with their real-life superpowers. 

  • There is a supplemental video on creating superhero logos on the portal. It can be shown with this lesson, or later when students are drawing their covers.

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